How Internet Evolution Has Influenced Gaming
There was a time when kids loved to play with sand, Pebbles, street cricket, and several outdoor games. The evolution of the internet has brought gaming from outdoor to video and online games.
The gaming world has developed in such a way that traditional street games or any other form of outdoor games have been overlooked. With the advent of video and online gaming, it is being addictive not only to children but also to adults. Now more and more people are showing interest in both video games and online games like GTA 5 android or PUBG mobile.
When technology advances, gaming technology also sprints. You’ll also step up your game to unlock new levels or push for new game achievements. Virtual reality augmented reality, newly redeveloped visuals and a narrative commitment have made today’s games more enveloping and immersive than ever.
The internet of things (IoT) has been one of the latest innovations to push the gaming industry to the next level.
Playing a game can be defined as an activity somebody engages in for fun.
We play games because it’s fun, it improves brain activity, practices cognitive abilities, and releases the happy chemical, serotonin. The excitement and allure of playing games have only grown as technology has progressed, with more visual stimulation, imagination, and satisfaction.
Technology has changed the way people play from the first board game, Senet, found in Egypt in 3100 BC to computer gaming, face recognition, and gesture control technology.
Video games penetrated our imagination in such a way as to fit a few recent cultural phenomena. Despite being a relatively recent development in the grand scheme of things, games have established a powerful place in global culture and tend to only rise year after year in popularity. By 2020, the consumer economy is expected to reach $90 billion.
Over the years the advancement of gaming has been rapid and beautiful to behold and hastened until internet access became commonplace. Playing as a family activity in the early days of Pong, in which groups of friends and relatives gathered around a table and enjoyed the company of each other.
The 90’s started in the age of LAN parties where enthusiasts for gaming would set up a network of linked PCs and spend hours or days gaming together. The ability of video games to bring people together cannot be underestimated and gaming started to achieve its true social and competitive potential once the internet got involved.
Internet Gaming in the Early Days
The game industry skyrocketed when games and the internet came together to give players a whole new world to explore. Single Players and story-driven games are still the first choice of the players and also quite popular and are still a driving force in the industry today. The social side of gaming has also fueled this revolt. Competitive and cooperative multiplayer games are no new concept in today gaming world and its generating fan bases by connecting players within the game world.
World of Warcraft drew millions of dedicated players in the 2000s and that was a golden age experience for these games. An Entire new subculture was spawned from the gaming world. A simple Google search will reveal the craziness of dozens of gaming-centric internet forums that were born in the golden period of massive multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs). All of them are not currently active but still, there are some others which are still flourishing hubs of activity.
As gamers became competitive day by day. Their expectation from the internet service also grew. Their demand was quite understandable in the gaming world. Your victory also gets determined by how fast and stable the internet connection you have, and no-one desired to be known as the player who ruined an hour-long raid because their connection couldn’t hold the pressure.
The War Against Latency.
Wi-Fi connection is not the first choice of hardcore gamers. As counterintuitive as it sounds, The old fashioned Ethernet cable was more reliable than the modern wireless connection. In competitive environments, some players obsess about their “ping” a numerical representation of the latency between their device and the game’s server. Too much latency compromise the gamer’s ability to interact with the virtual world, It is a virtual death sentence for the player and a serious concern to other players, As the afflicted player ends up being paralyzed around the game world, unable to do or see anything.
The first shot in the war against latency was, seeking out a wired internet whenever possible, but right after gamers demanded faster and more reliable connection from their internet service providers, more complex games were getting introduced in the market which was taking a greater toll on the hardware they ran on.
Modern Gaming and Fiber Internet
With the entry of current-generation consoles like the PlayStation and Xbox one and the growing prominence of the digital PC gaming industry such as Steam, the internet plays a vital role in gaming than ever before. A large number of games are now cloud-based, and going to buy a digital copy of a game rather than buying a disc in the store is a new trend on the software as a service (SaaS). Gaming stability is not the only thing that the Internet determines but also how quickly you can download and start playing your newly-purchased games.
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